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(An informal introduction)

"21 year-old Fine Art student who wants to do something with her life" is a perfect descriptor for where I'm at in my career right now, but let's elaborate a bit.

My name's Alexandra, I study art at Loughborough University and I'm preparing for a Master's Degree in Graphic Design and Visualisation. Although I've dabbled in many projects inside and outside university, I'd say that I'm above all a digital illustrator.

These two small words have defined my practice for the past year and a half, especially as part of my role as an artist in residence at MTC Coventry, and editorial illustrator at SAMIZDAT magazine.  I worked as a full-time artist at MTC Coventry for a year, as part of my placement. There, I created decorative pieces for their office spaces, receptions and meeting rooms, as well as illustrated all sorts of brochures, posters, maps, etc. This experience has been the deciding factor in my choice of following a digital approach to art. However, as you can see in my latest series of illustrations, "Marginalia", I always find a way to integrate my fine art visual education into my digital illustrations, giving them a more traditional feel, but with the benefit of the virtual space they inhabit. You can check out all my projects, from my personal works, to the art I produced working for MTC, here.

All these being said, I also create YouTube videos talking about my experience as a Fine Art student working in the industry, besides other artsy topics. And nonetheless, I make practical tutorials on art which people can access by donating Â£10 or over on my Patreon page. 


About: Welcome


I curated this exhibition in collaboration with my co-worker as part of our placement year at MTC Coventry. It took place on the 13th of February and it featured art students from Loughborough University, alongside employees of the MTC. We wanted the exhibition to serve as an emerging platform for young artists, offering high-quality exhibition spaces, networking opportunities and exposure.

About: Gallery
About: Instagram


This is my latest video in which I act like I know what I'm saying and go a bit in-depth about Modernism, about developing your own style and how that could help you gain traction on social media or in the art world in general, about nudity in art and drawing naked ladies, and many more topics.

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